LifeClues™ 3 Counts Menopause FSH Test Midstream: Accurate Menopause Kit for Women Self Testing

SKU: L01-04-130S3

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$5.33USD/unit $6.33USD/unit
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  • What is Menopause Test?

    Menopause Test is for detection of FSH in urine to help assess hormone health as women transition through menopause with an analytical sensitivity of 25mIU/ml

    Use Lifeclues menopause test kits to find out the truth.

    Start menopause management in time!

    Menopause FSH Urine Self Test Diagnosis Midstreams Kit Tester for Women Menopause supplements tester

    Intended Use

    The “Menopause Test” is an immunochromatographic in-vitro assay designed for the rapid and convenient detection of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in urine at or above 25 mIU/ml. It provides a qualitative result that can be visually interpreted. The device is designed for home use and serves as an aid in the early diagnosis of menopause. However, it is important to note that the test results should not be used as a definitive diagnosis. Further evaluation by clinical expertise and professional judgment should be sought to further an accurate diagnosis.

    Package Content

    Menopause FSH Urine Self Test Diagnosis Midstreams Kit Tester for Women Menopause supplements tester

    Menopause FSH Urine Self Test Diagnosis Midstreams Kit Tester for Women Menopause supplements tester

    Menopause FSH Urine Self Test Diagnosis Midstreams Kit Tester for Women Menopause supplements tester

    Instruction for Use

    Please read the instructions carefully and wash your hands before performing.


    Remove the testing device from the sealed pouch by tearing it at the notch.

    FSH Midtream 3 Pack

    Remove the overcap of the device.

    Menopause FSH Urine Self Test Diagnosis Midstreams Kit Tester for Women Menopause supplement tester

    Read the result in 10 minutes, following instructions provided in the “Result Interpretations” section.

    NOTE: Strong positive samples may produce positive results in as little as 1 minute. Confirm negative results in10-20 minutes.


    Questions And Answers

    Q: How does the test work?

    A: FSH levels increase temporarily each month to stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs. As your body ages and produces less estrogen, FSH levels increase in an attempt to support healthy egg development. The “Menopause Test” qualitatively detects FSH in urine at or above 25 mIU/ml, and can indicate whether your body is producing excess FSH as a result of low estrogen levels, which may suggest that you are in the perimenopause stage.

    Q: When can I use the test?

    A: For the most accurate result, we recommend using first-morning urine. If you are menstruating, it is advisable to test during the first week of your cycle and retest one week later.

    Q: Does a positive test mean you are in menopause?

    A: While a positive test result suggests the possibility of being in a stage of menopause, it is important to consult your doctor for further evaluation, especially if you are experiencing symptoms associated with menopause.

    Q: I received a positive result. Can I stop using contraception?

    A: No, this test cannot determine fertility. It is essential to continue using contraception until your test results have been confirmed by your doctor.

    Q: Do negative test results indicate that you are not in menopause?

    A: A negative test result does not rule out perimenopause or menopause, especially if you are experiencing relevant symptoms. Discuss your symptoms and the test result with a doctor since there could be other reasons for the negative result. This test will not give you a definitive answer regarding your ability to conceive.

    Q: How accurate is the test?

    A: In laboratory studies, the test has shown an overall accuracy rate of more than 98%.

    Q: How will I know the test worked?

    A: The presence of one pink-colored line at the control region (C line) in the Results Window indicates that you followed the test procedure correctly, and the proper amount of urine was absorbed. If you do not see the C line, please review the procedure and repeat the test with a new device. If you continue to experience problems, please contact your distributor.

    Q: Will the amount of liquid I drink affect the result?

    A: Heavy intake of fluids before testing will dilute the hormone level in your urine. It is recommended to limit liquid intake for about two hours before collecting your urine to ensure accurate results.

    Q: What medicine or factors can affect the accuracy of my test results?

    A: Your test results may be affected by factors such as using first morning urine, consuming large amounts of water before the test, use, and recently use and discontinuation of oral/patch contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or estrogen supplements.


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